What are the Chances?
/I recently judged a high school writing contest and was, as usual, dismayed at how bad many of entries were and amazed at how fantastic a few were. As I was dropping one entry after another into the “Thank you for playing. You didn’t win, but you’re a better person for trying” pile, I jotted down the reasons why so few entries — maybe one in five but probably more like one in 10 — received a second look. Of course, like all writing instructors and judges, I needed an excuse to DQ an entry, and here’s what I came up with:
If your piece says almost exactly what 15 other pieces have already said, chances are you have no chance — even if what you said is as timely, relevant and profound as theirs. The trick to say something original, to find an angle, to use an original voice so that your piece doesn’t sound like a rental agreement.
If your piece ends with a call to action “for students representing every possible permutation of every race, gender, creed, nationality, eye color, shoe size and ice cream preference to come together in peace and harmony by the end of the week” to tackle and, preferably, solve an entrenched, intractable problem along the lines of income inequality, climate change, civil justice, urban sprawl, homelessness, hate and/or Circus Peanuts, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece sounds like a high school English essay, chances are you have no chance unless your English teacher is Trevor Noah.
If your piece sounds like a high school research paper, chances are you have no chance unless your government teacher is Barak Obama.
If your piece begins with a timeline, a windy update or an extended historical overview, chances are you have no chance unless your history teacher is Ken Burns.
If your piece sounds as if it were written by committee — for example, by members of a parole board or a water safety advisory board — chances are you have no chance.
If your piece is as dry as a corn chip and as dull as a Vin Diesel film, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece deals with a topic that has no discernable connection to your school, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece opens with a statement about “today’s society” or “in our daily lives,” chances are you have no chance.
If your piece begins with a spurious assertion — “The planet’s last best hope for freedom and liberty remains the United States” or “The internet is essential to modern life.” — chances are you have no chance.
Chances are you have no chance if the big take-away of your piece is “Society is really messed up” or “Instagram rocks!”.
If your piece begins with a string of definitions, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece begins with a second person question — Have you heard about the latest craze? — chances are you have no chance.
If a third of the paragraphs in your piece begin with “According to,” chances are you have no chance.
If your piece’s topic is frivolous — trends in shoes, popular comic books, popular taco recipes, school spirit — chances are you have no chance.
If your piece attempts to shame Russia, China, Cuba or a Kardashian into making better choices, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece often uses the words “many, some, several, most,” chances are you have no chance.
If your piece often uses the words “seems to,” chances are you have no chance.
If your piece is based on over-statements or assumptions, chances are you have no chance.
Chances are you have no chance if your piece is wordy — as in, “I thought to myself that praying to God really is important to literally millions and millions of people.” Two questions: Who else can you “think” to? Who else other than God do you pray to?
Chances are your have no chance if your answer to the second question above is Donald Trump.
If your piece is one very, very super-long paragraph, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece contains a series of ellipses, brackets, parenthesis marks and semicolons where periods or nothing ought to be, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece uses words like “exponentially” and/or “omnipresent” and/or “myriad” and/or “plethora” and/or “amongst,” chances are you have little and/or no chance.
If your piece offers no more than a string of talking points pilfered from a website, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece uses 1,000 words to say what could have been said in 250, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece only explains, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece preaches or harangues, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece states, “My parents had to work hard to succeed, and that’s why I succeed,” chances are you have no chance.
If your piece states, “I cried my eyes out” or “I was literally paralyzed” or “that day will forever be etched in my brain.” — chances are you have no chance.
If your piece has the snap, the vibe, the bounce, the jazz of an old window-unit air conditioner, chances are you have no chance.
If your piece is full of cliches — as in, “Rumors spread like wildfire that the new principal plans to run a tight ship.”— you have no chance.
Chances are you have no chance if your piece is stuffed with goofy expressions and silly nicknames — as in, “By locking horns early, the big dogs pocketed serious coin.” Why? Because dogs don’t have horns.